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Quinn P. Jamison | Master/Mage | WIP

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Quinn P. Jamison | Master/Mage | WIP Empty Quinn P. Jamison | Master/Mage | WIP

Post by Quinzel Wed Feb 18, 2015 12:53 pm

Quinn P. Jamison | Master/Mage | WIP AJ5RYI6
The Basics 

Name: O'Quinn P. Jamison
Nickname(s): Quinn
Date of birth: June 26th, 1996
Age: Seventeen
Gender: Man/boy
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Affiliation: Lawful Neutral
Faction: Currently unaffiliated
Place of birth: United States
Current Residency: United States
Bloodline origin: Ireland
The Aesthetics
Height: 5'10" (178 cm)
Weight: 135 lbs (61.3 kg)
Hair color: Brunette
Eye color: Dark brown
Physical Appearance: Structurally, Quinn is very aesthetically proportionate. A slim, fairly unimpressive body which contains almost no fat, yet no real muscle either.  A testate to Quinn's lazy, or as he calls it, his "laid back" quality. His olive tanned skin, a quality given to him by his Italian mother, stretches across the muscle-less body, complimenting the dark, shoulder length brunette hair and almost black iris's placed in his eyes. Thin, obviously plucked eye brows form over his eyes, along with thick, long eye lashes which he claims are natural. 

Quinn's demeanor tends to give him the look of a prick. Lean body, constantly slouching and a head which still appears to be pointed high above the heads of those around him, showing off his wealth superiority. A smile or devilish grin can constantly be seen on his face, a grin only replacing the smile when extreme emotions such as rage, fear, or excitement over take his body. 

As for attire, Quinn doesn't get much of a chance to dress the way he personally would. On weekdays, Quin doesn't bother to change out of his school uniform. Something consisting of a black button down over coat which white stitching across the boarders and gold buttons trailing long the center. Underneath the coat is a T-shirt, typically white, but not always. Matching black pants which fall past his ankles and black dress shoes top off the attire. When not in school, Quinn will be wearing either expensive hoodies, or collared shirts. Jeans and khakis are his best friend. No matter the outfit, school uniform or casual clothing, or place, Quinn will always have his head phones around his neck, or over his ears. 
The Persona

Origin: Individuality. The very core of Quinn's persona is his ability to stand out from a crowed, whether it be intentional or not. Quinn doesn't believe in conformity, always expressing his differences either through conversation, or actions. He prides him self on his differences, and thinks that others should do the same! He can't stand to see people just put on a mask and pretend to be something they are not, and will often go a little over board getting these people to take the mask off.


  • Loyal: If Quinn has become your friend, or formed a pack/promise with you, he will honor and respect the pact. Quinn will constantly support and show his allegiance towards you, only giving advice in guidance. He might loose his temper from time to time and say things he doesn't mean, but over all, his loyalty is something that should never be questioned. Of course, Loyalty is a two way street, and if you aren't loyal to him, he won't be loyal to you. 
  • Kind: Constantly using him empathetic nature to see when others are hurting, there is a strong paternal instinct in Quinn's heart that forces him to find the problem and stop it. He will always be trying to make his friends feel better, and even feel empathy towards people he doesn't like. Some times, however, Quinn has to suck it up and deal with it when in combat. 
  • Charitable: Quinn is the type of guy to give a buck or two to every homeless person who crosses him on the street. He feels a strong, irrational need to help everyone, whether it be offering someone a place to stay, or helping his friends through a hard time. 
  • Accommodating: Despite Quinn's love of individuality, he is always changing things to accommodate to the needs of others. Whether it be as simple as cleaning his house for a quest who is coming over, or sacrificing his own wants/needs in order to make someone else happy. 


  • Paranoid: Quinn is constantly looking over his shoulder. Although he is a kind, charitable person, it is hard for him to trust people. He constantly suspects and internally accuses people of double crossing him, even with only little to no proof. He checks his closets and underneath his bed before he sleeps, making sure no one or thing is hiding away, hoping to get at him in his sleep. 
  • Depression: Quinn suffers from a great deal of depression, stopping him from always being in the mood to do much of anything. A past of abuse, both verbal and physical, did a number on him, making him a bit messed up in the head in terms of self image. His depression is often brought about by his low self esteem and low self confidence. 
  • Short attention span: No matter the conversation, Quinn will eventually get bored with it. He has always been like this, as a child playing video games he was always loose interest half way through, or sometimes before even getting halfway. He isn't like this with his friends, but he is like this when it comes to just about anything else, getting off topic and lost in his own abyss of thoughts. 
  • Unrealistic: Quinn is constantly coming up with ideas which, in his mind, seem fairly realistic, but in actuality are next to impossible. Some would argue that his thought of obtaining the holy grail goes under the category of his unrealistic expectations. 

Wish Desired: True happiness. What Quinn wishes for more then anything else is for true happiness to make its way towards him. He doesn't want his depression to go away, or for anything about him to change. Those scars in his mentality are what created him, molded him into the person he is today. He wishes for true happiness, because, in all honesty, Quinn doesn't know what makes him truly happy. He knows the holy grail is magical and practically all knowing, so he trusts that the holy grail will know what to do from there, and fulfill the wish.

The Power

Desired Servant Class: Currently there is no preference.
Magic Specialization: For Magi and Caster Classes only. What type of Magic does your character specialize in? Destruction? Creation? Alteration? Give us a brief, one paragraph per Specialization, summary of what your character is capable of.
Element: For Magi and Caster Classes only. Choose up to Two Elements to start with. These may be from the list of the Five Basic Elements, or they may be custom made. How does your character employ these Elements? How does the element generally manifest? Minimum One Paragraph per Element.

The Story

The History: From birth to current, or from birth to death and throughout their time as a Spirit. Give us every bit of detail involving your character’s life! Minimum One Paragraph per stage of the character’s life.

Roleplay Sample wrote:Give us a sample of both your writing style, and your ability to write as the character you’re applying as.


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